SMP UAV Service Request

    This SMP UAV Request Form must be completed and submitted for review and approval by SMP UAV Group prior to any UAV operations on any STOF reservation or at any Tribal event. STOF Departments or others conducting operations on behalf of the STOF must submit this document not less than five (5) days in advance of flight operations. Individuals who are not affiliated with the STOF or who are not conducting reservation sponsored operations must submit this form not less than ninety (90) days in advance of flight operations. The Requestor will receive a SMP UAV Group response within two (2) working days of request receipt. Prior to submission of this form, the Requestor must review the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Use policy from Risk Management. Any omission of information requested in this form may result in a delay of processing.

    Section 1: Requestor Information

    Applicant Full Name:

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)


    Check required service

    If Other, Please Specify Here:

    STOF Department:

    Director Name:

    Director Approval Received:

    Contact Phone: (required)

    Email Address(required)

    Section 2: Purpose Of UAV Request/Proposed Activity:

    Provide full details of flight purpose (education, research, promotional, routine assignment vs. urgent matter, one-time event vs. multiple days). Depending on your intended use and activities associated with the use of SMP UAV, there may be other STOF approvals required before you can operate SMP UAV on any reservation. For example, any activities that involve videography, photography or recording may need approval through the Executive Operations Office and may be subject to an Export Review.

    Specific Location of Activity: (required)

    Date(s) of UAV Activity: (required)

    Starting Time: (required)

    Ending Time: (required)

    Section 3: Final Deliverables:

    File Types:

    If Other File Type, Please Specify Here:

    Client to Provide:

    If Other, Please Specify Here:

    SMP UAV comments or requirements for operation are listed below and must be observed. If not approved, a summary of the decision is outlined.

    By checking this box, I acknowledge that I have read the information in the STOF drone policy and will adhere to the protocols accordingly. (required)

    The requestor will be notified once SMP has approved or the denied the UAV Service Request form. The following departments will be notified of the request and decision: SPD, RISK MANAGAMENT and AVIATION.

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